Bali bird park! A beautiful collection of memories of our super duper amazing interaction with birds comes to our mind!

This was my and my sister’s first ever actual interaction with so many birds and because of that a lil scary too but that too turned into fun in the end! This place is etched in our heart for the experiences we had here!

I remember, we visited this place just the day after we shifted to our second accommodation in Bali, it was our second week!

This was our first spot that we visited in the second week and we all were really tanned and tired too by that time but when we got to interact with these energetic birds, we felt energetic too!

The white bird was the first person we looked at as soon as we entered, firmly sitting on the branch of the tree, playing here and there, but very disinterested in us…haha! Really! Just nearby two scarlet macaws given a shelter (rod of wood) with a roof given on the top were sitting and were the spotlight for visitors to notice. When we moved there, a photographer and a staff member asked us to get our pictures clicked with these huge different birds and this was our first ever interaction in Bali Bird Park!

Huge and heavy birds, with sharp claws and cute faces were holding a grip on our hands while we, specially me and my sister, screamed out of fear and excitement at the same time! All of these were around 28-30 years of age but looked so radiant, fresh and energetic! Almost the entire time we wondered that how beautiful these birds are made and are the most amazing creatures on this planet!

Here, we got to see birds of so many kinds, I mean…more than 250 species! That’s humongous!

Not just this, they even have shows to captivate you by the features that these birds possess and their talents, unique ones! From having an extremely sharp eye to be able to see the smallest, dot-sized grain in hand, fly here and there, walk and talk, you’ll see these creatures show casing so many talents which will change your perception which earlier would say that ‘birds can just fly!’

The best part is that they are not prisoned behind the wires (only the dangerous ones) These birds are so friendly and well maintained, they’ll interact with us, play with us without any staff required to keep a watch! They are as friendly and bubbly as pets!

This park also has a few spots which gives a mysterious vibes and have birds like owls residing there!

Our very first show here was just near to where we stood with the scarlet macaws (red in colour), a person stood with grain which was literally dot sized, in the hand, it called the bird who entered just when the person called it, saw the grain from far away and took the grain away! Another was popping the balloons and flying, taking rounds here and there where the visitors in the very front sitting but without scaring or touching any of the them! Even some of the visitors, who showed interest by raising there hands were called and involved in the activities, including my parents, in activities like keeping a plate of grains on head and the birds flying in their full speeding eating those grains!

Immediately after one show ended, the another one took place. So now we left for another one! A lil different from the previous one, this show had multiple birds of multiple species with whom a female interacted by giving them instructions to follow, which they did and feeding them! Like the previous one, visitors were involved in activities too and they, including my father fed those birds!

The show ended and there wasn’t any other for the time being so we stood there only while others left except the birds and that is why it was fun! We had chips with us and that’s what we fed them, initially just my parents and them me and sis tried to do that while still freaking! We did ended up having a lot of fun feeding birds of different species, which looked different! Some were huge and ruled the others while some small and some who were getting frightened by the big ones scaring them! Yess, we did see that happening!

It was just the four of us and these birds and those are the moments that are the most memorable and best out of so many we had here!

These birds were so social and especially got so comfortable with us! The most scaring at the same time and amazing times were when we had multiple birds standing on our heads and one hand! I remember three scarlet macaws standing on my head! We screamed, we laughed, we feared, we smiled, we had a collection of amazing moments here!

Flamingos, I remember were the next ones we interacted with after moving out of this spot where we spent a good amount of time. Flamingos, they are huge, tall and very soft in colour, by this I mean, in very soft pink colour!

We were actually walking just besides the water, where the birds residing and that’s where we saw a few flamingos walking, yess they were walking just like us!

Now, another activity began, which was to feed these water birdies, which were also huge and looked a lil hungry in nature to me, fishes. People including us were feeding these birds fishes and that’s when I felt a lil sick due to being tired and being in the direct sun!

After this, we got a lil hungry and again as there wasn’t any other show for the time being, we then sat in the restaurant where we then had a pizza and of course, our favourite and the major, coconut water and this is where I gained my energy back!

Exactly in this spot, another activity, clicks with birds again but this time, they didn’t just stood on our hand but in different positions! The bluish, grey bird laid horizontally and that’s how they were in the hands of people and us to click pictures!


After this refreshment, we moved to the centre of the park and started exploring on our own, we looked and tried to interact with the birds sitting on the branch of the trees. Just there, we again saw 2 macaws sitting on a thick rod with a roof above them unlike other birds probably because they were the show stopper birds in this park. This time we fed them grains! Its just feels so tickling when their beaks just hit your palm while they’re eating! We fed them a lot, they were also more than 20 years old like the previous ones and looked a lil serious.

We also walked with the big birds who walked more than flying! All we did for the time being was keep moving in a direction we felt like and tried to interact with every creature we saw! Some were individuals and some lived in a flock.

Now, it was time for another show! This one was entirely different! We sat just outside, in the cafe and ate ice cream until it was time for the show and the theatre to open. Yess, theatre! This was an indoor show with no involvement of actual birds in it. It was a movie produced by the Bali Bird Park themselves! It was a motivational movie with the cutest animations about a small bird trying to fly! This show was about half an hour and then, back to exploring on our own again as this was the last show!

While we were exploring, a pink bird caught our attention! The fact that she was so photogenic and friendly yet resided behind the wires! She literally followed our steps and moved to the left and right accordingly! I’ll call her a girl as she behaved like one! She moved her neck left and right and up and down like an excited toddler! Why would they not, they are literally the ones with the most innocent and child-like souls! We literally clicked so many selfies with her, absolute cutie she was! This was one of my favourite interactions in this park!

We spent so much of time here and then moved ahead. I do not recall the exact moments as we spent so many hours in this park and interacted with so many birds of different species while exploring on our own! The environment was very calm and the afternoon was slowly coming to an end! I was tired and walking like a hanging ghost in between and sometimes very energetic, depending on how the birds were interacting.

Now comes the last but the longest and the most energetic interaction! Not one and not two, it was an entire family of birds in vibrant red colour that we interacted with in the same spot where we attended the second show, but this time, we went upstairs, to the bridge! My father was carrying a backpack which had chips in it, we fed these cuties and after a while they on their own stood on the backpack and tried to grab those chips, which indicated that they really liked our snacks, more than we did! They were actually interacting and calling each other it as if they said, “heyy, come quick, we have a lot of food here” Seriously, we could sense that!

Meanwhile, a dark blue bird was following my sis and after feeding and playing with this family of cuties, we moved downstairs where we didn’t really find those many birds except those 2-3 and a flock who were residing behind the wires!

After some time, we again moved and this time towards the exit. Just before the door to exit, we visited this Bali Bird Park’s souvenir shop where we got our hard copies of the photographs with the birds and a few cute souvenirs like magnets! Ohh Myy! There were so many cute souvenirs! Stationary, sling bags, magnets, boards and so mannyy!!

This was a long and exciting dayy overall! This place has a collection of so many memories of ours, we just love this place!

Do let me know about what do you think of this blog and do not forget to read more blogs like these and on other topics such as writing and teenage personal development!

Until then, Au Revoir!


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