Casela nature park is known for the animals and interactions that people can have with them here! We visited this place in the first week and had an interaction with tortoises for the first time!

Well, it isn’t just about tortoises but so much more!

This place, I remember was quite far away from our accommodation in Quatre Bonnes and later when we shifted to another accommodation, we got to know that it’s just 15 minutes away!

Before we got in the park, there was this place with ticket counters where we stood at while dad proceeded with the tickets and now the day actually begins!

At first, we could just see a few birds of huge and different kinds walking and mini waterfall (that’s what I call it), water bodies and lush greens and no animal for a while. The walk was long enough to make me a lil exhausted and soon it turned out to be very sunny, it was extremely sunny by the way!

We then entered a lane of lions, leopards and South Indian tigers! They were behind the wires of course and we could see them at a height from a distance, standing on a base that took stairs to reach. The sound of them was extremely loud and so captivating that many people stood there along with us to see them roaring loudly and their movements! Although, there were 4-5 lions, they were huge and strong enough to reside on a huge piece of land and stay together!

For adults, they could roam around the leopards with them in exchange of ticket price as well!

We stood here for a while and now, time for the safari!

Unlike our previous experiences, this time, we could actually see the animals walking side by side with us sitting in the bus! The animals that we interacted with, me, the least as am quite scared, were mostly zebras and then an ostrich! We fed them chips through the windows of the bus and it was such a lovely interaction! The bus even stopped when a zeal of zebras came closer waiting for us to feed them and that’s what we and others doing very excitedly and this was our first time interacting with zebras so closely! Mom and dad even went further, in the front, to the gate to feed the ostriches after a while!

We and people were literally laughing and screaming out of excitement and fear which was interfering in between when their elongated faces peaked inside through the window! Oh My! I got scared and shifted away from the window seat! Although it was nothing to be scared of as they were extremely friendly, cute and not wild by nature and it was absolutely safe to interact with them!

After this safari, which was long enough, I remember, in between we saw people feeding giraffes and this made us remember our experience in Thailand last year!

It was afternoon by now and we went to the canteen in this nature park and here we interacted with a family of peacocks that wasn’t in the plan of this park but after all, we were in the canteen and had food in our hand! This was another crazy experience and as lovely as interacting with the tortoises just after that!

Me and dad were walking outside the canteen and that’s when we saw a peacock which got scared when we tried to move close but later, this is when we were sitting outside on the benches and eating our chips, many peacocks tried to come close and eat chips, this is when we started feeding them and slowly and steadily, a family of peacocks, which were around or more them five too stood and waited to be fed!

Some large, with feathers, without feathers and some small, they were a family!

It was actually so much fun and we enjoyed feeding them more than ourselves! seriously! They literally followed our every single movement and there eyes were where our snacks were kept and the aroma could be smelled by them!

After feeding them for quite a long duration of time, we finally decided to shift to the bench which was far away, away from the sun, under the shade and eat our pizza, burger and fries and that’s when from fun, it became scary as more of these approached and now they became so comfortable that they literally wanted to grab the meal and tried doing that by flying, they didn’t fly of course but the way they were flattering it was extremely funny and scary at the same time! We screamed, laughed, fed them and ourselves and couldn’t stay for more long now.

It was fun and we got to know how peacocks actually are other than how we perceive them by their looks!

Now, the experience which comes to our mind when we think of this placed called Casela Nature Park, tortoises!

The longest living and the hugest of all kinds of tortoises! Oh My! We walked further to the garden where we could see so many of them roaming around freely!

With a texture of their shell like a rock and a wrinkled face, although extremely cute, they were more than 100 years of age!

What else comes to your mind when you think about tortoises, their speed right?

Yess they were extremely slow, its like walking but then you changed the setting to the slowest under the slow motion section! They actually walked like that, not just walked they were literally eating in the same speed! No wonder, why they live for so long!

It seriously felt like touching a rock when we placed our hands on their shell and then rubber when we touched they face and neck which they elongated so cutely and fed and petted them and they liked it! Some of them reciprocated our touch with cute gestures like these and some, we had to run after them!

But we absolutely loved interacting with them in both the ways

Here too we stayed for really long and then it was time for this place to close but we yet tried exploring nearby, clicked a few clicks, looked at the lush greens, vibrant flowers, water and shining and white in colour doves and ducks residing there! This was when only we were left in this entire park and everyone else left!

Interactions with these huge cuties and with the peacocks were my favourite experiences out of all!

Do let me know what do you think and of this blog and do not forget to read more travel blogs like these and others like writing and teenage personal development!

Until then, Au Revoir!


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