We all have heard this sentence, your habits will determine your future. Which is indeed true! Habits are a set of actions that we do almost everyday, without consciously thinking about it as these actions transform into habits. Now, If you choose to take side of good habits, those habits are going to become a part of our lives, which transforms us into a better person, on the other hand, if we choose to make excuses and continue with the habits that just satisfies the side of you which doesn’t want to look for better ways and results, takes you nowhere in a long run. 

First, Jot down, what motivates me?

While reading this blog, jot down on a piece of paper- what is it that motivates me to implement these habits and continue them even when I find that hard at times. Talking about myself, I really like to implement new habits to transform myself into my ideal self, and this is what motivates me to continue such habits, even when I sometimes find it quite hard. 

Other reasons can be, to improve my overall academics, to move out of my comfort zone, to maintain a healthy lifestyle, there can be other reasons as well. 

Now that we’re done with a little bit of introduction, let’s start with the five achievable habits that will pay you a good result afterwards and gradually become a part of your life in your early future. 


This makes a lot of difference, when you wake up early, you have some extra early hours to start your day and you can do things that are on your priority list rather than spending that time sleeping. You will notice that you’re much more likely to tick all your to-do list tasks early than you usually do, and after ticking your last box, you will have a sense of satisfaction and some time to do whatever you want to do, watching movies, playing games, painting……ANYTHING!!

This can be quite challenging, especially if you choose to sleep late. So, start small, try waking up half an hour earlier than you usually do. Once you’re used to waking up at that particular time, start waking up an hour early and keep challenging yourself like that.


Everyone knows this and now that you’ve started waking up in the morning, practise any kind of exercise that you like- sports, dancing, yoga etc. This is extremely important, especially because we like to sit with our gadgets for entertainment and other purposes for hours which makes us sit at one place for hours without any movement. For me, I really like doing yoga and dance, what about you?



Studying during your morning hours can be very helpful as it will make you feel more relaxed when you’re studying in the evening as 20% of that you have already finished in the morning. This helped me too! So, create a habit to study in the morning, at least for half an hour.


Are you someone, who craves for cookies, sweet and something snacky to munch? and  this craving makes you get out of your room and search for something interesting or go to a nearby shop to buy something? this was me a few weeks back, but now I’ve started taking control of how to deal with my cravings. This small habit makes your lifestyle much healthier as after a few days, you, on your own will not feel like picking up those full of sugar cookies. Try it for six days and then reward yourself with whatever you want to eat on day 7. 

Making these habits a habit can be challenging, I know, but again, these habits are going to pay you a good result, better eating habits, movement, better academic performance and a healthy and active lifestyle. 


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